Thursday, December 15, 2016

Assignment #9 TED Talk

Filmed March 2015 at TED2015

Bill Gates: The next outbreak? We’re not ready



Last year, there was a dramatically devastating virus which was called Ebola broke out in west Africa. We have experienced a lot of different epidemics. But think about it, they have some relationship. They will stronger than former one. When I studied at elementary school, a fatal virus called SARS. At that time many people died, and one of the hospitals in Taiwan was blocked because of the uncontrollable condition. 

First, Bill Gates pointed out an important issue:are we ready for the next outbreak? That's an unavoidable crisis we have to face in the future. Along with antibiotic be discovered, the human beings overused this kind of product. The virus will also have immunity and gradually become bigger and bigger. In contrast with a war, it is not easy to notice microbes. Second, our country invested a lot of amount in the nuclear weapon but we have invested very little in a system which included comprehensive medical staff to prevent an contagion. 

The last thing, people in some areas are lack of knowledge in health concept. We should focus on this region and organize a group with people who have got the training and background in medical. In order to estimate and find out the cause, do simulations in germ game and then coordinate with the military which have the ability to move fast. With all the elements, maybe we will probably have the chance to fight with this small thing we couldn't see.  

1 comment:

  1. This is indeed a serious issue, isn't it? Some minor errors on punctuation and forms:
    1. The last year...=> Last year...
    2. First, Bill Gates pointed out an important issue. Are we ready for the next outbreak? => First, Bill Gates pointed out an important issue:are we ready for the next outbreak? (You can check how to use colon)
    3. The last thing, some area's people are lack of knowledge in health concept.=> People in some areas are ....
